Easy Text-to-Speech

 The Easy Text-to-Speech javascript package allows developers to easily implement text to speech into their site. Using the browsers built in text to speech capabilities, the Reader javascript class integrates any feature you could want in text to speech.
 This class allows you to change the voice, pitch, speed, and highlighting color with a minimal amount of code. Most this pages content is readable via a click. Using the Reader class, this example page can highlight and read all elements using the following code:

// find all clickable elements
Array.from(document.querySelectorAll(".clickable")).forEach(el => {
 el.addEventListener("click" , () => { // set for each clickable element
  let reader = new Reader(); // construct the reader
  reader.setElement(el); //give the class an element to read
  reader.read(); //read the element
}); })

 You are able to have sub-elements that contain many layers. The many in the previous sentence is 8 generations lower than the div that is called when you click this clickable element. Below you can insert HTML to try it out for yourself!

 Documentation can be found at https://code.foureyedjimmy.com/reader/docs or by using the Reader.docs() function. Suggestions and bugs can be reported at https://foureyedjimmy.com/contact?p=reader&r=bug/suggestion as well as by using Reader.report();