Reader Documentation

About Reader

Allows for easy integration of text to speech capabilities with minimal JavaScript. The Reader class has integrated easy to use highlighting and voice altering abilities.

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Detailed Documentation


.read( );
Description: reads the selected element with pre-set element and settings. .


.readOnFinish( HTMLElement element );
Description: Reads the input element after the previous elements have finished reading..


.cancel( );
Description: Cancels all reading events and resets highlighting element. Triggers onend event. See setOnEnd()..


.pause( );
Description: Pauses all reading actions. Triggers onpause event. See setOnPause( func )..


.resume( );
Description: Resumes speech actions. Fires onresume event. see setOnResume(func)..


.setElement( );
Alters: element default: null
Description: Sets the reader to read the input element.


.setHightlight( string color );
Alters: highlightColor default:
Description: Sets the color of the readers highlighting feature. Pass it "none" to remove highlighting. Highlights will be affected by stylings on 'c' type elements..


.setVoice( number or SpeechSyntheticVoice voice );
Alters: voice default: voices[0]
Description: Set the read back voice either by entering a number to indicate the index of the voice in the voices array (see getVoices()) or by passing it a <a href="" target="_blank"> SpeechSyntheticVoice</a> object..


.setOnBoundary( function func() );
Alters: onboundary default: null
Description: Used to set an external boundary event which will fire once a boundary event is reached. Fired right before the highlighting function. .for more information visit this link


.setSpeed( number speed );
Alters: speed default: 1
Description: Sets the readers speed from a scale of 0.1 (slowest) to 10 (fastest)..for more information visit this link


.setPitch( number pitch );
Alters: pitch default: 1
Description: Sets the pitch of the voice from a scale of .1 to 2 (.1 being lower pitched)..for more information visit this link


.setOnMark( function func() );
Alters: onmark default: null
Description: Sets the onmark event function that is fired when the reader hits a SSML mark tag..for more information visit this link


.setOnStart( function func() );
Alters: onstart default: null
Description: Sets the readers onstart event that is fired when the utterance starts..for more information visit this link


.setOnPause( function func() );
Alters: onpause default: null
Description: Sets the onpause event function. Called whenever the speech is paused on the readers set element..for more information visit this link


.setOnResume( function func() );
Alters: onresume default:
Description: Sets the function that will be triggered when a the reader is resumed..for more information visit this link


.setOnError( function func() );
Alters: onerror default: null
Description: Sets the function that is to be fired when an error occurs with the reader while reading..for more information visit this link


.readWhen( string html_eventHTMLElement element );
Description: Sets up an event listener to call to read the element when the event is fired. Allows for a single line script to read an element when event is called..


.docs( );
Description: Sends the caller to this page for documentation..


.report( );
Description: Sends the calling window to a bug/suggestion report page..


.setOnEnd( func callback );
Description: Sets a function to be called when the reader is done reading a given set of words..


.setLanguage( String language );
Alters: lang default: en-US
Description: Used to change the language of the reader. For information on the available languages visit <a href=""> </a>.


.setUseDefaultButton( Boolean useDefault );
Alters: useDefaultButton default: False
Description: Used to tell the reader to generate a pause play button when initiated. Design can be modified in Reader.css and by using the <a href="#setPlayIcon">setPlayIcon Method</a> and <a href="#setPauseIcon">setPauseIcon Method</a>..


.setPauseIcon( String Icon );
Alters: pauseIcon default: pause_circle
Description: Sets the icon for the default play/pause button..for more information visit this link


.setPlayIcon( String Icon );
Alters: playIcon default: play_circle
Description: Sets the play icon for the play/pause button..for more information visit this link